Spring has been a long time coming, but it is here!
The grass is green, flowers are blooming, and while there was snow up north last week,
and a full moon is tomorrow, which usually means very cold temperatures,
(which is why we are not supposed to plant annuals until after it happens),
we seem to be finished with frosts!
Over in the meadow the grasses have spurted upwards!
What was only a few inches high last week is above the knees, and has already flowered!
Everywhere one looks things are blooming!
The old hollow apple tree puts on quite a show!
It is hard to believe that summer is just around the corner!
This past week we took a detour from the normal listings we have been doing. Many, many people have asked for a large checked fabric, and we have found a company to work with that is making a 4″ buffalo check. There are eighteen colors. They can be seen in the
Also listed was a new seashell fabrics.
It comes in four colorways- two on a dark color, and two on white.

Both teal blue seashell fabric and the orange seashell fabric
have background colors that are unusual.

On white they look totally different!

There is also a blue sea shell on white, which we hope to get on today.
See these in the