We have a new Asian Chinoiserie hunting toile fabric!
And, we love it.
We have it in three colorways, all are amazing.

The pattern features a hunting scene.
Horses and riders gallop across a stylized landscape
of hills, rivers, and plains.
Set among trees is a pagoda.
All parts of the design are patterned-
the rivers have ripples,
the trees have leaves and flowers.
Many tones and shadings of colors have been used.
The huntsmen and horses seem caught out of time,
frozen in motion.
Most of the huntsmen are galloping full out, with bows and spears.
One is is riding, looking backward,
with an arrow nocked and ready.
But, two of the hunters are taking a break from the hunt,
walking quietly, and talking,
while a dog looks up at them inquisitively.

While the pattern holds a lot of interest,
what sets these apart is the coloring.
They have deep, richly toned color.
The red version is striking-
with tones of scarlet offset by tones of soft aqua and blue.

The last colorway is brown.
It is anything but dull.
Tones of brown are complimented by slate blue tones with
olive green, and shades of red, orange and salmon.

Part of the interest of these is the way the colors
blend and move.
Together with the pattern,
they create a fabric that is full of movement and life.
If you are looking for an Asian fabric that is unique,
with a traditional look and feel,
with a “wow” factor,
see these in the