Bald Eagles and Loons- an Adventure Along the Coast of Maine

This weekend a friend and I decided to drive up the coast to get some fresh air… a Get out of Dodge,  if you will. North of Camden we stopped where I like to stop for Spot.  Here a small river reaches the Penobscot Bay.


Maine loon

Tide was in. And a pair of loons was cruising in the tidal water.
Normally by now they have moved to an inland lake to have their babies.

Maine loons

Their shape is unmistakable!

Maine loon

We watched them for a while,
and I heard my first “cry of the loon”!

As we turned to leave we saw something moving in the water outside of the inner pool.

Immature bald eagle in water

It was brown, and moving with a lot of thrashing-
I thought it was an injured seal.

Immature bald eagle in water

Immature bald eagle in water

As it neared the shore it was obvious it was not a seal,
but it was impossible to discern what it really was.

Immature bald eagle in water

Suddenly we realized there was a bald eagle in a tree nearby!

Immature bald eagle in water

We realized it was a bird.
We thought it was injured, and had been thrashing in an effort to get to shore.

Immature bald eagle

We were wrong.

Immature bald eagle

It was a juvenile bald eagle!
And, it had a fish.

Immature bald eagles

The other bald eagle just sat, as the one in the water came onshore.

Three immature bald eagles

We suddenly realized there was a third bald eagle in another tree
above and left of the first we saw.

Immature bald eagle

This bald eagle shows the white splotches of an immature bird.
The one on the ground is pure brown, indicating he is much younger.

Immature bald eagle

Suddenly both of the birds in the trees took off.

Immature bald eagle

One sees how their plumage is great camouflage.

Immature bald eagle

They quickly disappeared among the trees.

Immature bald eagle

Their wingspan is impressive!

Immature bald eagle

The eagle on the ground concentrated on his meal.

Immature bald eagle defending it's food

Three crows appeared, drawn by smell.

Immature bald eagle defending it's food

He did not wish to share.

Immature bald eagle defending it's food

When we left he was vigorously defending his meal!

This episode was so unexpected-
a serendipitous event of two people, who enjoy nature,
being in the right place at the right time.

If you come to Maine, take the time to enjoy our out of doors!
You don’t know what you will see around the corner!

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