This week has been all about butterflies and bugs!
Upholstery weight or printed,
butterflies fabrics and bug fabrics have been on the move!

We have carried the orange insect fabric since it came out.
This is an upholstery weight fabric,
which we also have in a tan.

And, it comes in grey as well.

For those that like fabrics with writing we have the
blue butterfly document print fabric.

This has butterflies done in many shades of blue,
fluttering over a background of writing done in neutral tones
on an oatmeal background.
It is pretty!
It also came in a colorful variation with oranges and lime,
with yellow, lilac, and blue.

For those that want bold-
there is the bold and beautiful butterfly fabric.

This is a huge pattern with boldly colored butterflies.
Their name is written near them.

This has been done on a very heavy linen/cotton fabric,
that is suitable for upholstery work.
Also fine for upholstery are two other butterfly fabrics.

Also large, this has subtly colored butterflies done in shades
of violet, green, and bluish purple.
Smaller butterflies, done as toile, fill the spaces between.
The background is oatmeal.
The other color has autumnal coloring.
One of the most amazing things I saw one fall,
was the monarchs migrating south along the coast of Maine.
This fabric reminds me of that.

So, why use a butterfly or bug fabric?
Well, one might be an entomologist.
Or, one might just like butterflies.
But, I think these large prints serve a different purpose.
I think they can do two different things:
express a feeling or give a jolt to a room.
The blue butterfly fabric and the orange and green butterfly fabric
definitely give a sense of happiness.
While the large, boldly colored butterfly would definitely give a
“POW” factor to a room.
A pair of pillows with that fabric could really liven up a room!
The bug fabrics, have a smaller scale,
but, they are packed with interest.
Any of the colorways would add interest to a decorating scheme.
There are other fabrics with bugs and butterflies.
But, they tend to be patterns with the insects used for additional interest,
such as florals, rather than being the highlight of the fabric.
See all of the insect patterns in the