Busy days as we move through February! Lots of new samples coming in, and orders for the most interesting going out!
Busy days as we move through February! Lots of new samples coming in, and orders for the most interesting going out!
Winter continues to have wide swings in temperature, and the Brick House continues to morph!
Time seems to fly by so quickly! It seems that the first of the year was just last week! And here at Brick House Fabrics things are just plain busy!
This winter has been what anyone would call a good old fashioned New England winter. There has been snow, ice, low temps, and yes, even the traditional January thaw!
It is Christmas eve! For one and all this time in December is wonderful…holidays, the winter solstice, New Years… a time rich in many traditions.
It is hard to believe that we are moving into the last two weeks of the year… but, so it is. The sights and smells inside say it, the weather does as well.
It is December! A happy month for all. Winter smells outside and in, as people get ready for holidays- Christmas, Hanukkah, the winter solstice, and as Krammer said, “Festivas for the rest of us”
It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week! But, signs of late fall are everywhere!
Fall is upon us. And, with the change of the season has come huge changes at Brick House Fabrics. There has been so much going on it has been hard to keep up, and writing has taken a back seat to all the things that have needed attention…