Week of February 26, 2012

It seems a long time since I had a chance to write! Life is always an adventure, and at times things take on a life of their own. So it has been at Brick House Fabrics. But, we are back, from outer space, as it were!
Winter has finally arrived in the Northeast! Chilly nights, with snow, have finally made the season feel normal. For those that love crisp cold air, with snow that squeaks under one’s feet, this is heaven!
Another busy week is upon us! We got a few things listed in the last few days.
The Christmas decorations are down, the wreath is off of the door. Things are getting back to normal.
Brick House Fabrics wishes all of you
a very happy 2012!
Brick House Fabrics wants to wish all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, a Wonderful Winter Solstice, and as some say Festivus for the rest of us…LOL
It is hard to believe December is almost half way over! But, so it is, sights, sounds and smells of Christmas are everywhere.
It may be December, but the weather is still unseasonably warm… temperatures in the ’60’s does not mean Christmas in Maine! Still the season is upon us!
Wreaths, trees, kissing balls, and poinsettias are everywhere!
Thanksgiving has come and gone, but thoughts of a new pumpkin pie linger on…