The sun is rising later, and later. A month ago birds were chirping around 3:30 am. But, now it is nearer to 5. I glanced up from making coffee on the morning of July 31, and was stunned.

June in the meadows is a time of change. The early spring flowers are gone, and the later ones are on the cusp of leaving. Spring is ended.
This weekend a friend and I decided to drive up the coast to get some fresh air… a Get out of Dodge, if you will. North of Camden we stopped where I like to stop for Spot. Here a small river reaches the Penobscot Bay.
Continue reading Bald Eagles and Loons- an Adventure Along the Coast of Maine
Saturday was a gorgeous day. And, having to do an errand in Boothbay, we went to Knickercane Island as well.
Continue reading A Visit to Knickercane Island, Boothbay Maine
Well, the winter wonderland has not happened for Maine yet… in fact, quite the reverse. The last record set for Christmas day was for 53 degrees, but different services give the date as either 1999 or 1953. Either way, it is supposed to be 62 degrees F, and 53 degrees F. on Christmas day.
So, are you all set? Having had eye surgery the first week of December, everything had to be done by December 1, as I was not certain when I could drive afterwards. And I have to say, it is the way to go… there is no stress, if it has all been done… down to the last bow. Think about it… instead of fretting, one gets to enjoy the season!
Hanukkah is over, and Christmas is just around the corner! And, here in Maine we continue to have the mildest winter most of us have ever had!
Well, it is! We have had a long, long fall, with some cold starts to the day, but over all, it has been extremely mild. Contrasted with last year, and, oh my. By now we had had several ice storms, with one in early November that left us looking as if a bomb had gone off. But, yesterday was so warm people were sitting outside in shirts! The grass is green, and it looks like April- without the spring bulbs, of course…
While this is sure to end, it is really a pleasant surprise, as the Almanac foretold a winter like last year.