Pumpkinfest has come and gone, but see the hightlights!
This years Pumpkinfest in Damariscotta was a huge success. Bigger than ever, it had more events, the community spirit that infuses it was very much in evidence. A good time was had by all!
Pumpkins are in the air! Yes, it is that time again… Pumpkinfest! The 7th annual Pumpkin Festival in Damariscotta is this weekend!
The first of October- unbelievable! But, there are leaves that crunch under foot when one walks, and it is pitch dark before 7 in the evening!
This fall the weather has been unbelievable. Day after day of clear weather, with cool nights and warm days. On the last weekend of September Spot and I needed a break from fall chores. We got into the car, and headed to Camden.
Fall is upon us. And, with the change of the season has come huge changes at Brick House Fabrics. There has been so much going on it has been hard to keep up, and writing has taken a back seat to all the things that have needed attention…
A few weeks ago I opened the paper to see a notice of a boat trip, a sunset cruise around two of the islands off of Boothbay Harbor. The proceeds were to benefit the Pemaquid Watershed Association. For an end of summer event it seemed perfect!
Busy, busy, busy! That is all I can say. The mills are open, the new wovens are expected this week, there are fabrics to be listed, and then there is one other thing!
In late August one suddenly becomes aware that the season is changing. Summer is coming to an end. What one takes for granted in July- sparkling water, the clear greens of trees, clouds floating in a summer sky, all subtly change.
Single small fall colored leaves go nearly unnoticed.
It is only when one sees the first trees with red leaves
that one becomes aware of the late summer changes.
And then one suddenly starts seeing signs of
fall all around one.
Apples are ripening in old farm yards.
In marshes cat tails have suddenly become full and furry.
In the hedgerows ripe berries gleam
against a backdrop of yellowing leaves.
And mushrooms seem to pop up everywhere!
One often sees caterpillars looking for
places to hibernate.
In late August the meadows have a dusty hazy look.
Grasses and pines start looking drier, dustier, as they yellow.
The breadth of the meadows, the smell of the grasses,
the sound of the river, and the smell of the water surround one with the sense of peace.
Late flowers continue blooming,
nearing the end of their cycle.
Queen Anne’s lace adds a fairy tale look!
Fields are filled with stands of milkweed.
Host for the monarch caterpillars,
at this time of year their flowers serve up nectar to
monarch butterflies as they migrate south.
The river can be glimpsed through the trees.
A boat house floats above its reflection in the nearly full tide of the river.
In the late afternoon the sound of cicadas is a background sound on the meadows.
Above, the honking of geese migrating is heard.
For Spot every tree
needs to be investigated for squirrels.
In the woods a thick layer of duff from fir trees
softens our walk, and quiets our steps.
From the river comes a cool breeze,
the spicy scent of the firs wafts through the late afternoon air.
Back in the meadow the air is filled with
dragonflies and small sulfur butterflies.
The dragonflies fly in circles, sometimes as many as twenty at a time!
The sulfurs flit over the flowers
often in pairs… too fast to photograph.
The scent of clover fills the air in last warmth of the day.
A late summer evening infolds the meadows in shadows,
as we head home.
The last week of August is upon us! It is hard to believe, but a week from now school buses will be in use again.