The fabric of the week this week is the aqua seashell fabric.
Sometimes one has to wonder… when order after order for the same fabric comes in… was there some proclamation that aqua was in? Was there an article in a magazine saying everyone needs aqua shell fabric? But it does happen that suddenly a fabric just seems to take off. Granted, there are not that many aqua shell fabrics out there. But, why this fabric, in this colorway, this week? There are different agencies that proclaim what colors will be hot, to which I say “bunk”… if you like a color great, but why would one go out and get fabric for their home if they didn’t already like it? Whatever. This week the bolt of the aqua seashell fabric just never got put away!
This fabric is unique in that it is has groups of shells, framed by coral, that are in actuality, still lifes. There are several sizes of these still lifes, which gives interest to the fabric. There are two different large still lifes. And one of the smaller ones has seahorses at the base of it.

And these fabrics are available in four different colorways!
There is orange, tan, blue, and aqua
all with very different feelings.
So, if you have been looking for a seashell fabric check the
to see if any of these are what you need!