Figs in port is an easy to make item, that will wow your friends and family. As simple as it can be, no one seems to make it at home!
Figs in port are wonderful on a cheese tray,
and can be served with meats- ham, turkey, pork, and also turkey.
They are also work with deserts-
pound cake and ice cream!
These are not alcoholic as the alcohol burns off with the cooking.
Dried figs, a fairly decent strong port, sugar, and water.
For a plated cheese appetizer or desert two figs per person works well.
To accompany a main course plan on three.
You will want to have some to keep for later… they store almost forever!
Rinse the dried figs, and place in a pot.
Add port to cover, add about 1/4 more of water, and 1/4c. -1/2c. granulated sugar.
Heat to a simmer.
As the sugar dissolves, taste the syrup for sweetness.
You want it slightly sweet, but not cloying.
Simmer until the figs are soft.
How long it takes depends on how dry they were to begin with.
It can take from 1/2 hour to an hour.
If they are not softening well, pierce them with a knife.
Add more port and water, with sugar as the syrup cooks down.
When soft, remove from the heat,
and let the figs cool in the syrup.
Ready to be used.
The figs will turn a wonderful mahogany port color.
When cool, put into a mason jar, or something similar.
Pour the syrup over them. You want them to swim in it.
If you are short, heat some port with sugar to dissolve it,
and pour over the figs in the jar.
Swirl the jar to blend the syrup.
Taste it, if not sweet enough add sugar, it will dissolve in time.
Store in the ice box.
They last nearly forever, and get better with time.
We use these for a plated appetizer during the holidays.
We slice open two figs per small plate,
several slices of a soft cheese such as a brie are along side, and a few cream crackers.
For an after dinner cheese use a Stilton or Roquefort.
Think about are garnishing a ham with the figs for a different look and taste, using the syrup as a glaze.
The syrup can be used to glaze a ham, pork chops or loin, or a turkey.
Try adding a smidge to a beet salad!
Drizzle the syrup over ice cream.
Who knows, it might make an intriguing addition to a cocktail!