The weather here in Maine has been up and down. Storms have come from all points of the compass, and have been followed by large upward swings in temperatures. For people who like winter, this is not what we like!
Two weeks ago the cold finally seemed to settle in. It was below zero every morning, and barely moved into the single numbers. Though no snow fell, ice finally formed, … it was winter!
Two Saturdays ago it was too cold for a beach walk. I decided to head to Rockland to get a sandwich for lunch at the Atlantic Bakery. Spot and I loaded up, and headed off.
In back of Rockland, on Rt. 17, is Chickawaukee Lake.
Though the weather had been cold,
the temperatures had fluctuated enough that
I did not expect what I saw!
The whole lake was frozen!
Rockland, Maine
January 26, 2013
Out on the ice were a few ice fishing shacks, people skating, kids with hockey sticks, and the biggest surprise, ice sailing boats!
While some were really moving across the ice,
others at the far end of the lake were learning the basics.
After watching for a while we headed into town.
After a quick sandwich at the bakery,
Spot and I headed back home.
We stopped to look at the lighthouse at the end of the breakwater.
A lovely day on the coast of Maine!