It has been very warm, with little rain, so Spot and I have not been over to the meadows in a bit. While he always wants to go there- it is his most favorite place, when it is in the 80’s F. ( 26.667 C. ), it is just too hot for him.

But, last Saturday and Sunday it rained. So, between showers, we headed over to them.
We were met by a fragrance that always takes me by surprise!
The milk weed was in bloom!

It is always a surprise when I smell its fragrance wafting in the breeze of a warm summer day. While most people grow it for monarch butterflies, one might want to grow it for the fragrance alone!
The colors of the fields have changed dramatically in a week.
The yellows of the buttercups and other early summer flowers
has given way to pink.
In the far meadow,
the grasses have ripened to brown,
and the cornflowers have taken over.

While most are shades of pink,
an occasional white is seen.
They are so tall, Spot has trouble keeping track of me!

Covered with Centaurea, the meadows are an amazing thing!
To see such a swath of a single flower in full bloom is truely wonderful.
