Exciting news!
We have had P.Kaufmann’s Aviary Toile Fabric in madder reprinted!

We carried this for years, until it was discontinued in 2016.
Well, we decided to have it reprinted for us, and so, it is back in stock!
For those that don’t know the pattern,
this toile has a pattern of birds, butterflies, and passion flowers,
with a classic look.
We called it the Red Bird Toile.

The colors used are deep red, rosy muted pink, flesh, and cream
with salmon undertones.
A few years ago the pattern was reprinted in a couple of blues,
We have some of the teal aqua color!

See the P. Kaufmann Aviary Toile Fabric and the
Indigo Bunting Toile Fabric
in the
Miscellaneous Toile Fabric Category