As February comes to an end, I was looking back at the weather roller coaster ride we have had. It seems that never has the weather fluctuated as much, with extreme highs and lows, coming very close together.
There have been sub zero days with 40 degree F. ( 4.44 C. ) weather the next day. There have been blizzards with extreme winds and white out conditions followed by sun the next day. We had a week of sub-zero weather followed by melting. And, sitting here typing, yesterday was supposed to be another severe storm, but it warmed up, and the ice is dripping onto the kitchen roof.
Most winters the weather settles down, and is cold, and stays cold, until there is a January thaw. The weather then plummets back below 0 F. ( -17.78 C. ) and stays there. And February is usually cold, with bright blue skies!
But, this year the weather had been so warm, ice did not form until February, when we got a week of sub-zero temperatures. Winter enthusiasts were thrilled!
Rockland, Maine
What is now being called the Blizzard of 2013, hit the eastern seaboard hard. We got 3 1/2 feet of snow on February 9th. The wind was high, with white-out conditions at times, snow blowing horizontally in from the east. When I got up that morning, to let Spot out, snow was piled high against the barn door- up to my knee. Spot took one look, and backed up! I grabbed a coat, and shovel, and went outside, to clear a path around the end of the barn to the bird feeders. After three feet had been shoveled, Spot came out, and made a tremendous jump from the path into the snow, and plowed his way down around the house- the snow was up to his chest.
As I rounded the end of the barn the wind hit hard. Being nearly zero it really took one’s breath away… I shoveled fast. But, even as I cleared a path, drifting snow filled it back in.
Heading back inside I enjoyed the idea that nothing would be happening that day. A day off, as it were… a time to catch one’s breath!
The snow kept piling up, the wind kept howling! I cleared the path three more times that day, but there was really no keeping up with the effects of the snow and wind.
The shop window with snow.
The storm finally passed on, eventually reaching England!
The next day, true to this winter’s pattern, it dawned clear.
Mourning Doves waiting on Breakfast
After shoveling a path to the bird feeders,
and then getting plowed out,
Spot and I headed out to see how things were.
Rockport Harbor was piled with snow.
There was a skim of ice in the inner harbor.
It was hard to take pictures
as the roads were filled with loaders and dump trucks clearing the snow.
In Camden Harbor the boats were fine.
Ducks nestled against the bank of the stream that flows into the harbor.
But, the Camden the streets were one lane only,
with cars buried in the snow.
The bakery would not be opening soon!
After a quick look around we headed back home, going through Union,
where I stopped to let Spot run around for a few minutes.
It was hard to believe the day before had been as wild as it had been.
Seven Tree Pond was very tranquil!
The weather pattern continued warm, and the snow melted.
But, a few days later another storm swept in.
Some trees hold some leaves through any weather!
The following day dawned clear.
Spot loves snow!
He dances in it if it is not too deep!
And while running in it he will bend his head to grab a mouthful.
He will also go out and just roll in it!
When I throw snow balls for him he leaps up to get them;
but, if he does not catch one his expression says…
Where did it go?
As we head into March, winter is definitely being left behind.
The sun is up early, and the ground is softening as the night temperatures warm.
Soon there will be crocuses and leaves on trees, and a sparkle on the water.
But, the joys of winter will return!