I like to make jam!
People always ask, how can you stand canning when it is hot!
Well, I think of it as bottling sunshine and the summer.
We suddenly seem to have quite a few patterns, which have been discontinued, that we are down to the last few yards. In an effort to clear the decks for new fabrics, I put as many as I had time for on sale yesterday, in the 25% off category and the 40% off category.
Spring in Maine is a stop again, start again affair. A warm couple of days, followed by snow. And this year is no different. But, with the roll out of covid vaccinations, there is a definite sense of a long cold winter, and a long hard year, coming to an end.
So, in keeping with this optimism, people have been buying pink. And, lots of it. Below are some of the fabrics with pink that have been of interest.
The last couple of weeks have seen a lot of flower fabrics going out.
Perhaps it is the need for something cheerful after the last year!
But, for what ever the reason, pretty florals have seen a resurgence
in use for the decorating scheme of many.
While we do have some floral fabrics that are wild
in both color and design,
it is the classic florals that have been selling.
Below are some that have been of interest.