We accumulate a lot of remnants. It is really inevitable! And, to move them out we have always listed them as destash pieces. But, they never had their own category. They were just lumped into the old sale, or discount, category.

But, as you may have noticed, the Discount category has really changed to make it easier to find what you want. So, the small pieces that are remnants, have their own category.
It is under Discount Fabrics, and is the Remnant Fabric category.
This is a good place to look if one is doing a small project. At the moment I am adding a lot of fabrics that we no longer are going to carry.
Last week I listed a series of grass cloth fabrics, which have been dropped.

Today, for instance, I added a series of mini houndstooth fabrics.

And, next week I will be working on something else. This is actually fun for me! It helps clean up the store, but I like it that we can offer something to people that are useable, and not very expensive!
And, I hope you browse all the different categories in the Discount Fabric section. You never know, you might find just what you need! And, the inventory of these different pieces do change, as things get listed, and then bought.