SUNDAY- September 11, 2011 On this 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist attack, people seem to be looking back and forward, and all around. As we remember what happened, and honor those who died, and those who spent the time after it helping out… the rescue crews, fireman, police, dogs, and everyday people, we also seem to still be waiting for the other shoe to drop. We pray it does not. We hope to move forward. There does not seem much to add to the many news programs, magazine articles, or newspaper columns that have been produced, except to say “God Bless America”. Which leads one to remember the song we all sang in grade school…
Written by Irving Berlin-
how can we forget?
God bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home
God bless America, My home sweet home.
Another favorite is of course is the first verse
of America, The Beautiful by Katharine Lee Bates:
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
The last 10 years has seen world wide changes. There have been life altering events in many, many countries. Some for the good of people and the world, some that have been horrific. So, today, our thoughts are with all people of the world as we look forward.
For those who look forward to the fabric of the week, the weekly fabric that goes on sale for a week… Yes, there is one. It is on the front page. But, we did not feel comfortable plugging it on this day of remembrance. We will resume the regular blog posts on Tuesday, as we are returning home tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY- September 14, 2011 Well, got home late on Monday, after checking on family. Glad to be home! And I have finally caught up with shipping! Someone said my arms must be very strong, due to all the fabric folding… it’s true- I am Pop Eye’s niece….
Tomorrow we hope to get things back on track. We have new fabric in, and lots of other fabric information. Right now some restorative soup is bubbling on the stove. And after a good night’s sleep we will be ready to bring you up to speed!
This weeks Sunday Surprise sale fabric is
the red waterlily fabric.
This vibrant scarlet fabric just sings.
Against a wash of color are softly colored birds, leaves, acorns, and waterlilies.
A perfect fall fabric!
This can be seen in
the Fall Category.
THURSDAY- September 15, 2011
Well, a cloudy miasma of fog has settled here. Dank, and damp in mid-coast Maine! On a more cheerful note we have caught up on shipping from being gone, checking on our family.
The top sellers this week were the quite varied! The top seller, in all colors, was the deer toile fabric. This comes in red, blue, gold, and aqua. This got shipped literally around the globe!
While the red, gold, and blue say fall, the aqua deer toile fabric is just wonderful!
See all four of the deer toile fabric
in the Animal Fabric Category
Other Animal Fabrics
To keep up with the love of the deer toile new bolts of each color are in stock.
Other top sellers this week were the
funky seashell fabric
and the owl fabrics.
available in the
Seashell Fabric category
The owls in both the girly girl pink and the hippie red, green, and purple sold well, showing people still want a lot of color in their lives!
See all three owl fabrics in the
Bird Fabric category
of the store.
SATURDAY- September, 17, 2011
Well, yesterday just got by me… After a night of rain, there was a sunny day, with a snapping wind. And it was 47 degrees F.! Yes, summer is over, it is fall!
Got a call from the company, that we are bringing in… the first of the new line should be in next week! This is very exciting.. it has been a work in progress to bring this fabric on board! There are a lot of novelties… a wine label fabric, two or three Medieval fabrics, one about France, several document prints, bird prints (think Audobon), a lot of new ocean prints, and an Alice in Wonderland print.. we are excited!
This week peacock feathers suddenly were moving out of the door. The peacock feather we have is a woven upholstery weight and comes in blue on taupe and gold on red or red on brown. Each is unique!
a peacock feather fabric with a Victorian feel!
All three of the peacock feather fabrics can be seen in the
Bird Fabric Category.
See what Susan, from Australia did with the last of the purple dragonfly fabric! In the Postcards, Home Decorating section!