April 15th! Spring is here!
The winter is finally over! There is still snow on the ground in places, and people are still moaning about the long winter. Last week we had snow- 6″ and cold rain. The mud was intense! But, we also had had sun- 65 degrees F. and wind, which has melted snow, and dried out the ground. Spring in Maine is a balancing act between freezing and thawing, melting snow and flooding rivers, as the ground warms up.
Last week the tops of snowdrops appeared, and this week they are blooming!
And this week there are patches of early croci!
The weather this April has been what we normally have
in March. So, the small signs of spring seem doubly precious.
Over in the meadows there are still patches of snow, where Spot enjoys rolling.
But, where the ground has dried out,
there are sprigs of grass!
We have, as everyone knows, been working on our
Indienne Fabric category.
But, this week,
we are taking a break,
and adding some new seashell patterns.
One is a reversible coral starfish fabric.
The other is a unique seashell mandala fabric.
Watch for these in the
Fabric Blog.