Okay, before we get down to fabric stuff, or plans for the week… the most important thing is that the Primula vulgaris sibthorpii has bloomed!

For those of you who have read the blog for a while, you may remember how this came about. For those of you who haven’t- a bit of background.
I like Primula vulgaris.

It is the first perennial to bloom in my garden, and that is out in the open. Surrounded by its winter worn leaves, new green leaves, buds,and blossoms appear like magic. The leaves elongate until it looks like a large lettuce, covered with pale yellow flowers with a deeper eye.
And, it blooms for a solid six weeks!

Primula vulgaris is fairly easy to obtain. So, what you ask is the big deal about the subspecie? It is not easy to get in the US. Oh, sure, there are hybrids- primrose Pacific Giants, etc. But try to find the true specie!
Once seen, PLANT LUST set in. I had to have it. It became a crusade that involved people in Scotland, Australia, and the Primrose Society of America!
You can read about it in the Blog Post:
Primula Vulgaris ssp Sibthorpii- a Tale of Plant Lust
Thursday- april 21, 2016
This week has been busy, busy, busy… it has been devoted to seashell fabrics! I wanted to get ten new ones listed. The week started well, five were listed on Monday. But, then the skies clouded, and it was impossible to edit photos.
Yesterday cleared, so two were taken, and four more will be done today! You will be able to see them in the blog, and in the Seashell Fabric category.