Spring comes slowly in the north. Looked for eagerly, everyone is grateful when we turn the corner on winter.
Everyone loves spring! And in the north it is especially prized. We all long to take a walk without down coats, heavy boots, hats, and gloves.
Ten days ago we had a day that was warm, with soft air. There was an occasional cool cast to the wind, but it was lovely. But, then we feel back into the 20’s F. and the wind blew, snow fell…
With the snow off of the roads one sees they are covered with sand left over from sanding all winter, and choking dust blooms up as one drives. This lasts until towns sweep the roads, or there is a very heavy rain to wash them clean.
At this point people go out and take a look at their yards. Brown thatch covers lawns, and there is not a leaf in sight. One walks around, assessing winter damage to plants, houses, and driveways.
Calls are made to landscape people and building contractors. And suddenly there are pick up trucks with wood in the back, scaffolding going up on buildings, and the sound of leaf blowers fills the air.
Our spring, summer, and fall seasons are short. Get it done, get it done is the motto. Many contractors are booked from the last year… if you have an outside job, you had best call early.
For, after all, if the weather is bad in the warmer months, not all jobs will be finished.
The first sign of spring here is the snowdrop.
It emerges from under leaves, in the grass, letting all know that the ground is warming.
After that the early crocus show themselves.
They open in the early thin sunshine.
The Dutch hybrids,
slightly later, and more showy,
are very welcome with their large glowing colors.
But, they do not have the same effect as those first fragile flowers
that push there way up through thatch and snow.
Well, we have been waiting on spring for a long time this year. Walks with Spot along the river mean wearing a down coat. But, the Primula vulgaris are blooming down the hill! The first perennial to bloom in the garden, their pale yellow blossoms signal true spring temperatures!
Primula vulgaris
Living in a state that is very orientated to the different seasons, one is very aware of yearly rhythms. Starting in April and May there is a rush to get ready for the tourists that come to Maine. In towns that have been boarded up for the winter, the boards are removed. Work is done to spruce things up. Repairs are made. And as Memorial Day draws closer, more and more energy is felt. Get it done, get it done! This is when one is glad one is net based! It helps to be slightly insulated from the seasonal frenzy that hits during the summer!