Spring is definitely here! Grass is greening up, and flowering shrubs are blooming. One sees forsythia everywhere, the occasional quince, and magnolias.
Many magnolias are not hardy here.
But the star magnolia is.
And older gardens have them.
From a distance they have a hazy misty look.
Viewed from below, they are sublime.
The magnolia season is fleeting,
I hope to have more pictures this week!
MONDAY- April 29, 2013
It is hard to believe that May is almost here! But, it is. I am beginning to get a routine for writing both here and on Face Book. I would like to keep this weekly blog as the main informational source. But, there is no doubt the quick notes on FB are a handy way of communicating
It is time to do a Fabric in Short Supply list. And that will be coming either tomorrow or Wednesday. There are quite a few things that are either discontinued, or are being dropped to make way for new fabrics.
There are still some new fabrics to be listed… around ten, so watch for those. There is a retro travel fabric, new coral fabrics, and some shell fabrics, as well as a new horse fabric. So, lots of interesting things to come!
WEDNESDAY- April 1, 2013
I just listed some fabrics in short supply on the fabric blog. It is a bit of a mish mash of things… most are either discontinued, or are being dropped to make room for other things. And most are discounted. So, see if there is anything you need for a sewing project.
I did not get the coral fabrics listed yesterday. The pictures for the orange coral fabric, which is the one I am starting with, just kept skewing to a flattened tone in the over-all picture. But, I got up early, and took a new shot, and think it is fairly good. So, onward!
I got the first of the new coral fabrics up, after a LOT of work editing it. Taking pictures and getting the images to be as close as possible to the fabric colors and tonal balance is a huge part of the time one spends doing a listing. And some are much more difficult than others. This fabric is a case in point.
The large coral is a warm orange.
It is yellow based,
and is in juxtaposition to the pink tone
of the small heavy coral tree,
which is blue based.
Then there is the salmon of the sea fan which bridges the two tones,
the coral that is a blue based grey beige,
and the background tone, which is yellow based…
And some of the colors are very close in tone and in hue,
due to the blending and stippling of colors,
making it difficult to edit.
The blue aqua coral fabric pictures came out fairly well.
But, the last of these new coral fabrics is neutrals,
and is proving very difficult to get correct indeed!