Well, Irene is coming- rain all night, and now windy! The curtains were stuck against the windows, as the storm is coming in from the east. Today she is south of New York, a category 1 storm, and is moving at 18 miles/hour- so not very fast.
We get these storms and Bermuda highs at this time of year.. The highs have warm soft winds, with air temperatures we don’t normally get, but do enjoy, before fall sets in.
The paisley pheasant fabric.
This is perfect for anyone looking for a fabric with a fall look. A paisley motif frames two different vignettes with pheasants.
See it in the
Fall Fabric Category
We went down to Pemaquid Point this morning. High tide was 10:48, with a 9.4′ tide. We were hoping to get some pics of waves. As we drove down the point the fog got heavier, and there were small bursts of rain.
The sea was almost at high tide mark when we got there. While it was rolling in onto the rocks, there weren’t any dramatic shots. A few seagulls were riding the winds high up. And, while the sea was moving, not much to photograph.
Before Hurricane Irene Hits
Before Hurricane Irene Arrives
After we left Pemaquid Point we headed up to Camden… most of the town is closed down, but the restaurants were open. Tide was starting to ebb, but the docks were almost horizontal… very high! The windjammers were all lined up, and the moorings were full in the harbor. We had lunch, and the boats started to sway as the sea picked up.
Before Irene Arrives
As we started home a squall with heavy rain moved through. But, while there is wind, and spotty rain, for the most part mid-coast Maine is relatively quiet.
MONDAY- August 29,2011
Well, Irene blew out of Maine, without delivering too much of a punch to the coast. Lots of wind, but not lots of rain, as New York had. We had some flickering lights, but that was it. Further south there were some power outages, but people we know have power back on. Inland, though, was another matter- a lot of water damage with roads washed away, and trees down.
This morning is a stellar day, with light breeze, and bright sun… the air is fresh. I thought we might be in for a true fall day, but it still feels like summer.
I took down the bird feeders so they would not blow over, due to high winds. Being on granite ledge there is no way to drive them into the ground. And, the trees are limbed up so high one can’t hang them. So, I have the poles in Christmas tree holders, which I filled with large gravel. It looks strange, but the birds don’t mind! Since they are down this is as good a time as any to wash them. The baby nuthatches that show up in the morning are going to have to wait for their feeder to be put back up!! The baby osprey is out there demanding food already. He lives up the hill, and flies over, squawking.
Last weeks big seller was the embroidered seahorse, in the copper color. That is fitting, as we move into fall. People are always surprised when I say there are seasonal fabrics. But, there is a definite pattern to a fabric year! The fall sees interests in dog and horse patterns, as well as toiles.
For those who have been following the Down East Trip- we have had lunch, and there is a picture of what one of us just had to try (not me)- a deep fat fried Oreo…
See Sewing Notions, Maine Musings, The Down East Trip, Campobello….
I finally got decent pictures of the very unique Schumacher Fabric of fall grapes, leaves, and children!
Fall Grape Leaves with Children
This and other fall grape fabrics
can be seen in the
Fall fabric category.
A European deer hunting toile fabric.
Stag heads, deer, and things to do with hunting are all here!
This is available in the
Mens Fabric Category-
known as Men are From Mars.
TUESDAY- August 30, 2011
Another beautiful day.. hope they continue!
Ralph Lauren purple toile fabric.
Rose bouquets with arabesques on creme.
See it in the
THURSDAY- September 1, 1011
Labor Day Weekend is upon us! And this was another beautiful day! Today really seems like fall. The light comes in at a low angle, and the ashes are losing their leaves. They have a very short season- the last to leaf out in the spring… about June 10th, and the first to lose the leaves in the fall. I don’t know if they are daylight sensitive, or cold… this morning it was in the ’50’s! (F.)
Besides the light there is the constant sound of cicadas, and a cricket is usually resonating in the background. Spider’s webs appear over-night, and things are beginning to look a bit faded. The water is sparkling, the way it only does in the spring and fall.
This week is the Windsor Fair. If you are in the area, stop by to see all of the sights! There is harness racing, animal pulls, and pumpkin weigh ins, and more. This is an agricultural fair, just like you remember! We are going over tomorrow, and will let you know more about it!
at the Windsor Fair Grounds
Windsor, Maine
For those who are interested in harness racing
there is a horse fabric with a sulky.
It is available in the Horse Fabric Category.
A vintage chintz fabric.
This is a true novelty fabric.
A faux swagged, ruffled fabric in blue. It does not get more fun than this!
with swaggs, ruffles, and pleats!
This is available in the
Novelty Fabric category,
with other faux fabrics.
DESTASH: Two pieces of the Renaissance embroidered Fleur de Lyse fabric.
One is a 30″ piece, the other 19″.
This is available in the
Renaissance Fabric section
SATURDAY-September 3, 2011
The stretch of wonderful late summer, early fall weather seems to be coming to an end. But, there is still time to get out, unplug from things, and enjoy oneself before the next large rain storm!
This week, for those who need to know, the seashell patterns were still moving well, and the main color sold were those in blue.
The blue indigo fabric has been discontinued. There isn’t any stock left. So, what we have is it. I did order another color of it… the only color left in stock. It is a denim blue with beige. It should be in next week. We will let you know!
There are lots of things happening around here… we have a new Postcard from Away to put on tomorrow. There is also a new person to meet in the Interesting People Section, Pictures from the Fair, and we need to finish the section on Campobello Island in the Tale of Down East… So, keep checking. There will also be quite a few destash end of bolt pieces listed over the next week.