Week of December 16, 2013

It is hard to believe that we are moving into the last two weeks of the year… but, so it is. The sights and smells inside say it, the weather does as well.


In the north, in the fall, one hears sayings like… “the weather is going to break”, “it is going to snap”, as well as people wondering if an approaching storm will be “THE BIG ONE”. It is part of the culture to talk about cold spells and snow storms. And here in Maine we also talk about Nor’Easters… which are wet storms off of the ocean, moving inland with high winds. Depending on the conditions they could be delivering rain, sleet, or snow.

When a winter storm is looming on the horizon, people head to the markets in droves, in case they get snowed in. They stock up on de-icer, salt, and gravel for paths and drive ways. Bird feeders filled. If it is the first big one of the season, shovels, buried in the back of barns and garages are found. Tire places are swamped with people who want their winter tires put on.

Those who love winter get out sleds, snow boards, skis, and skates. Snow mobiles are tuned. And for those who love to plow the joyous cry of “START YOUR ENGINES” can almost be felt!

Well, this weekend was no exception. We have had some light snow falls over the last few weeks, but there was thawing in between. Last week we got a few inches. Spot and I went for our walk early in the morning. The sky was blue, and the snow sparkled in the 12 degree F. air.



On Friday there was talk of an approaching large storm, when it was going to hit varied with every person one spoke to. Saturday was cold, below zero, but no snow. In the middle of the night the grader was heard on the road, and sure enough. In the morning there was a good six inches of snow on the ground, with it falling heavily. The wind rose, and the snow blew. It tapered off around 1 pm., with about 10 inches on the ground.

It now looks like Christmas!



MONDAY- December 16, 2013

The painting for the new store is nearly finished. We have been waiting for a glaze to use for the trim, so the new stands will match the rest of the room. Hopefully all painting will be finished by the end of the week! As I do not love painting, I will be glad to have this finished!

The fabric of the week was the
Medieval Beast Fabric.
Ironically we received a letter from the company that it is now out of print!
See it in the
Fabric Blog!

The fabric mills tend to take a long Christmas break. To get a jump on things we pre-ordered. And quite a few things have come in. We will try to get several up a day as we go through the week. Work on the check/stripes/solids continues!

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