The weather continuous to be a roller coaster here in the Northeast! Days of really cold weather followed by 50 degrees!
The past week there were series of days where it just stayed close to zero. And then suddenly it would thaw. But, we finally have ice, for those who love ice fishing, skating, and winter in general. And though sunny and clear today, tomorrow we are supposed to get 2 feet of snow!
Needing a break two weeks ago,
it being too cold for a beach walk
Spot and I headed to Rockland for a sandwich.
See pictures of the day in
Sewing Notions, Maine Musings.
The last two weeks have been extremely busy at Brick House Fabrics. Traditionally, January is the time people look at their living space and decide it needs to be redone! We sent out a record number of samples in January. And the last two weeks have been so busy that there has been no time for writing.
One thing that did get done was the listing of quite a few Clarence House Fabrics, Scalamandre Fabrics, and a few others. I will get them highlighted in the fabric news blog tomorrow, while waiting on snow!
I put in an order to the company that makes the reversible ombred starfish.
We ran out of it suddenly, so I put in a new order for it and I added a companion of sand dollar fabric.
I wrote the lady in customer service we were waiting on snow. She is in the south, and wrote that she wished they had snow. I wrote that it was clear, but cold… zero. She wrote back…”Zero”?… I wrote “Yep”. I think she is rethinking the idea!
While many fabrics sell well all year long, some are really seasonal. January 1st starts what I call Seashell Madness. It lasts until around August 1st. Chickens sell well in March. Horse toile fabrics sell well around the Kentucky Derby and in the fall.
And toiles seem to do well in the winter.
This last two weeks we have sold a LOT of toile! The Neoclassic red toile is the clear toile winner. But, the green French toile has also been popular. These are both double wide fabrics- giving a much wider (no pun intended) use for them than the normal 56″ width American fabrics are milled at. If you want a douvet cover without seams, or a seamless couch, these are perfect.
The double wide toile fabrics that we have right now are:
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FRIDAY- February 8, 2013
The day started out at zero degrees.
The snow from “THE BIG ONE” started around 6:30 am.
It has been snowing all day, but not that heavily here…
But, all around one hears the sound of snow plows!
I went to get peanuts in the shell for the squirrels,
but the feed and seed was out of them.
They will have to make due with sunflower seeds.
Check back tomorrow to see how much snow we get!
The newly listed Scalamandre Fabrics have been put up on the fabric blog.
Take a look at them- classic elegance!
The Fabric Blog
More to come this weekend!
SATURDAY- February 9, 2013
Well, it is 3:15 in the afternoon. The guy who plows came by around 8 last night, and plowed what had fallen. When Spot went out before bed, I shoveled around the back of the barn and to the bird feeders so I could get to them in the morning. The wind rose and really blew all night. And in the morning, it was hard to see how much snow had fallen until I went to put Spot out at 6 AM.
I opened the barn door, and Spot took one look, and started backing up. The snow banked against the door was about 2 feet high. I shoveled a path, and finally Spot took a gigantic leap out into it! He has been a couch potato all day long.
All morning long there were blizzard conditions, with snow blowing horizontally. It is still blowing hard, but not as much snow seems to be falling. It seems to be a bit more than three feet. We have not had that much of a snow drop in a 24 hour period in a very long time.
The snow is dry enough that the trees have not had any real damage, and the power lines, despite the wind, are alright. And hopefully others without it, in other places, will soon get their power back. Winter at these temperatures without power is just plain dangerous.
No fabric shipped today, due to the fact that our car will not go through three feet of snow, and also all post offices in New England were closed down.
We will keep you posted!