Time seems to fly by so quickly! It seems that the first of the year was just last week! And here at Brick House Fabrics things are just plain busy!
The weather is cold, but we did not get snow from the last storm… it stayed south of us. But, the temperature is below zero, and with a wind, it is just plain cold outside. But, last week we had the traditional January thaw!
There is an old Maine saying “A January thaw will freeze a hog.” Which I have never quite grasped! But, this one lasted a full five days, giving people a much needed respite from furnaces that never shut off, and a chance to get outside for walks. Of course, people who wanted to skate on ponds, or ice fish weren’t happy, but so it goes!
Work has been slow on the retail space. The painting is done, and we finally got someone to come in and help move the fabric stands around. While not quite ready to open, we are getting closer.
retail space
This week we have started tagging the bolts of fabric, and moving them into the new space. Christine is excited! But, I am a bit worried, as we have an awful lot of fabric, and it will be a tight fit!
One thing Taber and I are determined is that the internet will stay first priority as a selling venue. We will still have the destash pieces available there first. And we will continue to add what is needed for a retail store, such as the basics, to the online inventory. The inventory and our commitment to finding fabric, and providing service, will stay the same.
One of the things we get asked about all of the time, is do we know someone who can do the sewing for a person’s project. To that end we have searched, and we finally think we have found someone! We should know more next week!
WEDNESDAY- January 22, 2014
Well, besides painting, tagging, and organizing the new space, several new ocean fabrics have been listed! There is a new starfish fabric, in three colors, the tropical reef upholstery fabric is now available in all blue, the funky fabric is now listed in a neutral brown, beige, and blue, and a most wonderful watercolor coral still life is now up.