July 1- hard to believe! Strawberries, the 4th of July, and luna moths!
Yesterday, for the first time in a couple of weeks, the sun came out! We have had so much rain there is standing water everywhere- fields, ditches, lawns.
Taking advantage of the unexpected, Spot and I headed to the farm stand to get strawberries.
We got sixteen quarts to freeze for the winter. There is nothing like strawberries to bring a summery feel during a cold, snowy winter! After twelve quarts were safely hulled and frozen, we went for a walk.
An unexpected sighting was a luna moth!
It was about four inches across,
resting, wings spread, on some ferns.
Further on the briar roses were blooming.
Today is foggy,
but, we hope to get out for another walk this evening.
Perhaps we will see the luna moth again!