After nearly a full week of rain we have sun! Flowers are unfurling, daylilies are blooming, and baby birds are being shepherded around with parents to the bird feeders. Summer in Maine!
This year we have had unusual weather, lots of fog, lots of rain, alternating by what is for us, very high heat with very high humidity. To keep cool, as most of us do not have air conditioning, one must either sit in a pond, or go to a beach!
There have been many changes at Brick House Fabrics since the beginning of the year.
The first was the addition of Christine,
who has taken on much of the day to day hands on work.
The latest addition is my son Taber,
who has taken on dealing with the nuts and bolts of the website.
I could not have a better duo to work with.
Spot, of course, rounds out the group.
TUESDAY- July 16, 2013
Another warm start to the day on the coast of Maine… But, the sun is streaking in low through the trees, Spot is lying in the open doorway of the shop, sniffing cool air, and there is a new pitcher of iced coffee to help all stay cool!
FRIDAY- July 19, 2013
It is hot, and humid. Still. It was 104 degrees the other day! We usually get a week of weather like this in August, as the Bermuda highs push up along the Eastern seaboard. So, this is unusual!
One has to laugh about how things work out. We were down to five yards of the popular coral fabric in red, and four of the blue coral fabric.
Pink Red Coral Fabric
Blue Aqua Coral Fabric
I had put in an order two months ago, and new they should be arriving soon. So, I emailed the company, inquiring about the shipping time. I got an immediate response, with tracking numbers.
I was just putting them into the system, when, I heard the sound of a 16 wheeler’s breaks being set down at the bottom of the hill.
I looked out the window, and sure enough, there was an Old Dominion truck at the bottom of the driveway.
So, down the hill we went, with Spot watching from above.
We unloaded the bolts into my car, and drove up the hill… with Spot greeting us as if we had been gone for a month!
As many of you know, all of the mills in Europe are shut during August… if one wants fabric before October, it needs to be pre-ordered in July.
So, we have lots of stock of the coral fabric and of the reef fabric.
The reef fabric has seahorses swimming among shells, starfish, and coral, with gently waving sea weed.
It is available in blue on white, which co-ordinates well with the blue on aqua.
Blue Seahorse Reef Fabric
The brown seahorse reef toile fabric comes in brown on white, for a neutral look.
Brown Seahorse Reef Toile Fabric
To me the most intriguing of the colors we carry of this is the brown on light brown version, which gives a mono-chromatic effect. For those who want something a bit different in a neutral ocean fabric, this is it. It co-ordinates with the brown on white reef fabric.
Reef Fabric- Brown on Brown
The reef fabric can be found in the
Reef Fabric category,
and the coral fabrics are in the Ocean fabric category, in the
Coral Fabric