The summer is really half gone. And today the humidity had cleared out, and cool, dry air has moved in.
While we still have lots of warm summery days ahead,
that little bit of coolness is a reminder of what is coming…
enjoy your days!
As the flowers in the fields start going to seed,
the flowers in the gardens come into their own.
As a lover of bulbs, I really love lilies.
But, with the coming of the truely awful lily beetle,
which has decimated all of mine,
I have come to appreciate daylilies, which are not a lily at all, but Hemerocallis.
And in August, many daylilies are in full bloom!
TUESDAY- July 29, 2014
Over the last couple of weeks we started listing some of the fabrics that have been lined up waiting to be photographed and put online. This is a huge task, that has gotten derailed due to the new store front, and also the booth that was set up at the Nobleboro Antique Exchange.
While the Antique Exchange is under control. The store front is definitely a work in progress. We have been coming to terms with what both buyers want as a walk in as well as what interior decorators need. It has been challenging.
The Nobleboro Antique Exchange is about seven miles north of us on Rt 1. Lisa, who ones and runs it, has changed the venue slightly. It used to be soley an antique mall. But, she decided to take part of the building and add a mix of things useful for decorating.
This includes things from paint, to furniture repair, to an upholsterer. And, now we have joined the group as well.
While the booth up there is still in slight disarray, it definitely is taking shape. And Jamie, the upholsterer is next to us, and can help with everything. We hope to have a computer up there soon, so orders can be placed from there.
The store here, looks as if a bomb went off in it. No kidding, it is unbelievable. The cutting table came in, and was way too tall. We had a guy cut the legs… but instead of 9″ off, he took 19″ off. So, now the legs need to be rewelded. And the guy who was going to do that put his back out, and so that is not happening any time soon.
Then, we had one wall set up with a wall rack. But, so many people have wanted basics, that we took that down, and put up a framework to hang them from. That is nearly done, but the place the samples have been, as there has been no room to keep them orderly, is unbelievable.
But, hopefully, that will be ending by the end of this week, giving me more time to list!
WEDNESDAY- July 30, 2014
As things become more organized
we are trying to get back to listing
destash pieces once a month.
As it is been quite a while since we did any destah listing,
we have quite a few to do!
But, the first group is up.
They are mostly ocean related,
but there are a couple of others as well.
See them in the
or in the
at the end.