After the 4th of July Maine settles into summer mode. The roads are filled with cars, and daylilies are in bloom.
Summer in Maine is very different from Maine the rest of the year. If one is a tourist, getting away from a busy existence, it will seem quiet… there are calm lakes, quaint towns, the ocean, and forests. For those of us who live here, it is the opposite… busy!
But, even though it is busy, we still find time to enjoy our summer days… picking strawberries for jam; freezing blue berries, enjoying gardens, and watching the schooners out in Penobscot Bay are some of the things we can only enjoy during the summer.
If you do come to Maine, and want to really get away,
consider heading Down East to Lubec- it is far as one can go along the coast!
And it is the most eastern point in the USA!
Read about one trip I took a couple of years ago…
See Sewing Notions, Maine Musings, Down East Summer Trip
near Lubec, Maine
The French fabric shipment came in while I was gone.
The three African fabric patterns are listed.
Still to be listed are
a horse fabric, in two colors,
a Picasso-like fish fabric,
and, most unusual, a fabric with vintage photographs of dogs!
So, watch the fabric blog for those.
WEDNESDAY- July 10, 2013
The weather has continued to be very rainy. Mainers don’t like rain- it makes them cranky! So, the monsoon conditions of the last month are taking their toll…But, at Brick House Fabrics the new fabrics that have come in, and new samples that have been looked at, are keeping our spirits up!
And happiness is also listing
Most of this months destash pieces are ocean related.
But, there are two tea pieces,
and the last of the plain heavy linen/cotton fabric.
See the
for details!