March came in like a lion this year, and is leaving in the same way. This has been the coldest March on record for the state of Maine.
This March has been cold! Every day the thermometer read just above 0 degrees F. Ice, snow, and cold has been the norm. While it would be lovely to see snowdrops, we are a bit away from that!
Saturday was a beautiful glorious day. It seemed as if spring had finally arrived. But, yesterday it poured, and I mean poured, a cold wet rain. With a super high tide, the ground still frozen, there was no where for the water to go. Roads were flooding. And today it has been a day of sleet!
But, Saturday was worth the wait. Spot and I took not one walk, but two! It was just too nice to be indoors!
The meadows have been too icy for us to walk,
so, it was with joy we set out!
I will get more pictures posted later,
but first some fabric news!
Around the end of January
we received samples of several watercolor fabrics.
We put in our order,
and sat back and waited.
There are two florals, a zig-zag stripe, and a mermaid’s garden.
We got the first of them up last week!
in purple
See all the colors of the watercolor florals in the
The watercolor zig-zags can be seen in the new
Watercolor Fabric category.