Last week spring arrived!
Every year, before the trees leaf out, turkey vultures roost in the trees around the house.
They arrive at dusk, and leave early in the morning.
These are big birds, with a six foot wing span.
They perch, looking like gargoyles.
They drive Spot nuts.
He just does not know what to do about these intruders.
The first year I think he thought they were large squirrels,
and barked and barked at them.
He has figured out they are not squirrels, but still barks and growls at them.
They could care less about a mere dog, and ignore him.
In the morning around 6:15 one or two of them stretch their wings,
and take off,
to check the temperature to see if it is warm enough to ride the thermals.
They make one or two circles out over the road, and come back.
After about half an hour they set out for the day.
Stretching out their wings fully,
they launch themselves,
soaring on the rising air.
Seeing six do this in unison is an awesome sight!
They head toward the marsh,
returning at dusk.
And then, one day,
after the weather has warmed,
and leaves are out,
they leave, not to return until the following spring.