Spring is in heading into early summer at a fast rate. It seems hard to believe that it is nearly June! The change of the month marks quite a few changes at Brick House Fabrics.
The last few weeks have seen many changes, many with issues. We lived through the printer debacle (where we went through two new printers in three weeks), which then went to a computer debacle… ending with mine dying last week. Thankfully, the computer for Christine arrived the day before the death. A new one was ordered, and arrived post haste, and the my old one, like Lazarus has been restored to life. And with three working computers we should have all basis covered! Setting up a network has not been fun, but is nearly completed. So, onward into the summer!
The last few weeks have been cold, and rainy.
But today, Memorial Day, it dawned clear,
with a strong wind that moved white puffy clouds quickly across the sky.
Though cool it is a welcome change!
The first spring flowers are a distant memory,
as the green leaves of early summer dominate the landscape.
High up, one sees that the ashes, the last trees to leaf out, are just beginning to do so.
Last week an indigo bunting was seen feeding on the ground.
I had never seen one before.
This week it has been a regular visitor!
I will try to get another shot of him,
but he is shy.
Another visitor to the bird feeders is a red squirrel.
We have not seen one for over a year.
While most people dislike them for the damage they do
to houses, by gnawing into them,
they amuse me.
I call them sonics as they have such quick, jerky motions.
Well, this one and Spot have developed a relationship.
Spot goes roaring at a fast clip around the back of the barn
and the squirrel runs up a nearby tree.
He stares down at Spot,
and Spot, tail waving, stares up at him, and barks.
Spot wants a playmate!
THURSDAY- May 30, 2013
What a change a few days makes… it is nearly 80 degrees F. and it is HUMID!
JUST LISTED: three destash pieces of
the embroidered seashorse fabric in the
blue mist.
Postcards from Away
Sabina, the sewing wizard from Switzerland, has been sending pictures of different aprons.
See them in
FRIDAY- March 31, 2013
It is hot! It is 93 degrees! With humidity. This has to be setting some sort of a record! I mean, it is not even June! And a week ago we were expecting snow!!!
Spot, being very furry, does not enjoy the heat… the only thing for him is to go swimming early in the day!
The Fedex man arrived today with three new patterns… there is a really interesting seashell fabric in brown and gold, very masculine; the popular seahorse in charcoal, and for a pop of fun, a flamingo fabric! We will get them listed ASAP!