Memorial Day came early this year!

Even though we had a late, cold spring, the flowers are ahead of schedule. The lilacs, normally in bloom around June 5th, are in full bloom, and the lemon lilies have started flowering.
As a child, Memorial Day was the beginning of summer. School ended about June 5th, not to restart until after Labor Day. Three glorious summer months stretched ahead of one. Thoughts of the swimming, strawberries, and running barefoot filled one’s mind. Awnings were put up, charcoal for grills was bought, and geraniums bought.
Here in Maine, each town has a Memorial Day parade, followed by a 21 gun salute fired off of piers and bridges, or in town squares. It is traditionally when one puts in one’s dock, boat, and garden, all frost being left behind ( one hopes ). The nurseries are filled with people buying geraniums. Families get together to have cook-outs and summer people open cottages. A landscaper told me it was his busiest week of the year, as people want everything ready for summer.
And this weekend was no different… the parade went down the street, slightly later than usual, the flower nurseries were so crowded there was no getting to them, and the smell of barbeques filled the air, mixed with the perfume from the lilacs.
Summer has arrived.
THURSDAY- June 2, 2016
This week has flown! The weather cooled down to a beach, moist, cloud covered 66 degrees F.
Hannah loves to list destash pieces, and had time before heading back to her farm to do some. You can see them in the Discount Fabric category.
Ben has been moving the Clarence House Fabrics around so we can actually get to them! At last, there is a little order to the new ones that came in! And, I am trying like the dickens to photograph and list them! Two new ones were listed this morning! One has been deeply discounted. You can see them in the Clarence House category, under Wovens