22 degrees F. this morning! And it snowed yesterday evening! It looks like fall, but feels like winter is here!
Yesterday it was in the 20’s when we got up. After making a run of applesauce Spot and I took a walk in the meadow. It was cold enough I was wearing a winter coat. I picked up some milk weed to seed in the garden, as the milk weed flowers smell heavenly.
Just before dinner I glanced out and saw something that looked like mist. It was snowing! Really!
This morning it is 22 F. The ashes, always the first trees to lose their leaves, have dropped theirs. They stand leafless above the oaks and maples. This cold will certainly hurry them into dropping theirs.
But, with the memory of last year’s big storm which happened before the leaves were off of the trees, and the damage caused, I am hoping that scenario will not reoccur!
THURSDAY- October 22, 2015
Well, the best laid plans… I had the week all programmed to add more of this and more of that to the website… not happening… obviously.
I was told to NOT add any more product, as we are getting ready to roll out the new website, and no new fabrics should be listed at this point.
While it is really exciting to know the website is almost ready to launch, the no new product ultimatum put a crimp in my work week.
So, I have been photographing like crazy, editing the images, and taking notes, so I CAN add fabrics quickly when I have been given the go ahead.
Last week we added five new exotic animal fabrics to the website. Five more were going to go on after the promised destash pieces. And we were going to add twelve more solids. We also got in thirty samples of ethnic stripes, many with a Southwestern feel, that we had planned on adding. So, now the kitchen is filled with piles of samples, and bolts of fabric waiting to be listed. We will keep you posted on our progress!