48 degrees this morning! Fall is in the air.
Cool and crisp- fall is here.. okay, maybe officially it starts tomorrow… but none the less… it is definitely fall!
I even closed the upstairs windows this morning. While not sealed for winter, they are shut. Outside there is the smell of fall… that dried leafy smell, as one scrunches through dry leaves.
And dry it is. As far north as just south of Bangor is now officially abnormally dry. And the southern part of the state is now officially in a moderate drought. This is a rare thing for us. And no rain is expected in the near future.
TUESDAY- September 22, 2015
Debbie, that organizer par excellence, has been sorting through all of our short pieces of fabrics. These are pieces left over from cutting or end of bolt pieces. Once they are cut we roll them onto cores to keep them tidy, and stand them in a corner. They have been accumulating in the work room, where are rolling table is, for months and she finally had had it.
So, last week we made a list of them, measured them, noted anything specific about them- such as where an end of bolt line was, and took them off of the cores, so they could be photographed.
Yesterday was sunny enough, early enough in the day, to photograph, and edited the images, of nearly all of them.
Then I ordered them, and listed sixteen ocean related pieces as destash, or discounted sale fabrics.
Today I will be listing some the destash pieces of toile fabrics, horse fabrics, and rooster fabrics. Tomorrow I will finish up what has been photographed.
See them in the
Discount Fabric category.
While this has cleared out quite a lot of the short pieces, there are more to go, which we will do next month.
Why, you ask, wait? Well, we have several projects in the works that need to be kept moving. The first one is, the new Basic Category- Solid Fabrics.
We are always getting requests for co-ordinating fabrics. The problem is, each company has their own pallet. It is incredibly difficult to get things to co-ordinate with companies that make stand alone fabrics. It is also impossible to carry all solids that each company makes. To whit ( I love that ), we did get solid fabrics in that would co-ordinate with the checks and stripes we carry. But, we just did not get them on-line. Last week we made a start.
Over forty different solids of cotton, woven in a basket weave, have been added to the web site. And this week, after the remaining destash pieces have been listed, I will be listing over 30 in a corded weave.
The Solid Fabric category has been broken into two searches. One is by color- black, brown, blue, etc. And one is by texture.
The ones that have been listed are a mid-weight basket weave, so I started with that. This coming week a category for a corded weave will be added, and we will continue to add texture categories as necessary. We have a heavy basket weave, slubby basket weave, and a twill weave planned.
See the new
under the Basic Fabric category.