Aqua violet damask fabric silk Clarence House Kumar

Price: $25.00
17 available for immediate delivery17 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: 30" increments17 available for immediate delivery
Availability: What is listed is all there is of this.
Sold by: 30" increments
Scale of item: The central motif floral motif is about 17" ( 43.18 cm. ) wide and about 12 1/2" ( 31.75 cm. ) tall.
Selvedge to selvedge: 54 1/4"
This is: silk/linen
This fabric feels: smooth
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = Just over 27 1/4", the vertical = just over 32 1/4"
Aqua violet damask fabric silk Clarence House Kumar
An aqua violet damask fabric by Clarence House. A heavy silk damask fabric in aqua and violet. This is gorgeous!
A classic damask pattern with a central floral motif framed by scroll work has been done in aqua on a violet background. The aqua design has a fine satin weave, the background has a twill weave. The aqua pattern is slightly raised above the background, and has less sheen than the background. Some of the background threads have been carried in the front, over the aqua, adding definition to the pattern, and giving a slight tonal look to it.
Depending on how the light hits it, the aqua can look more green or more grey, and the background can look mauve.
This fabric is 55 1/4" wide. The central motif floral motif is about 17" ( 43.18 cm. ) wide and about 12 1/2" ( 31.75 cm. ) tall. This is a heavy weigh damask fabric. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, upholstery, etc.
This is for a 30" cut, which gives two of the motifs next to each other.