Asian hunting chinoiserie fabric green toile

Price: $25.00
38 available for immediate delivery38 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )38 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The single horse with rider facing backward, is about 7" ( 17.78 cm. ) across, including the tail.
Selvedge to selvedge: 56"
This is: 100% cotton
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal =27", the vertical = 34 1/4"
Asian hunting chinoiserie fabric green toile
A green Asian chinoiserie toile fabric.
Across a landscape of plains, hills, and rivers animals and huntsmen race. Almost unnoticed is a pavilion set among trees. Many details add to the interest of this fabric- the river has stylized waves, the trees have small designs of flowers and leaves.
Colors used are tones of black, dark blue, several greens, red, orange, yellow green, grey, tan, beige, and white. Colors are tonal, and there has been over-printing, so many shades of colors are seen.
This fabric is 56" wide. The single horse with rider facing backward, is about 7" ( 17.78 cm. ) across, including the tail. This is a light mid-weight home decorating fabric. It does have drape. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, duvets, etc.
This is sold by the yard ( 36" ).