Blue Oriental dragon fabric Asian Chinese Japanese

Price: $32.00
9 available for immediate delivery9 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: 45" increments9 available for immediate delivery
Availability: If the amount showing is not enough, please write for availability.
Sold by: 45" increments
Scale of item: The dragon, from his horns to the tip of his clawed foot below is about 20 1/2" ( 52.07 cm. ), measuring along the fabric.
Selvedge to selvedge: 55 14"
This is: 100% cotton
This fabric feels: matte, dry
Pattern Repeat: The vertical repeat is just over 23 1/4" ( 59.055 cm. ).
Blue Oriental dragon fabric Asian Chinese Japanese
A dragon fabric with an Asian Oriental look. A Chinese dragon fabric or Japanese dragon fabric, for those who love the mythical!
Out of swirling clouds a herd of dragons emerges. Horned, with scales and spines, their bodies are partially hidden by the clouds. The mythical creatures are accompanied by lightening flames, and a swirling Asian symbol. This pattern has a large scale, and is filled with motion!
Colors are dark blue, deep greyed blue, with a periwinkle undertone, soft smokey blue, deep taupe grey, light grey, and sea green. Black is used for details and for heavy outlining. The background is off white.
This fabric is 55 1/4" wide. The dragon, from his horns to the tip of his clawed foot below is about 20 1/2" ( 52.07 cm. ), measuring along the fabric. This is a midweight home decorating fabric. It has been woven with a slub for added texture and interest. It has a matte dry look and feel. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, duvets, etc.
This is for a 45" ( 1 1/4 yd ) cut.