Balloon sky fabric novelty handprint linen whimsical

Price: $20.00
7 available for immediate delivery7 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )7 available for immediate delivery
Availability: If the amount showing is not enough, please email for availability.
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The largest balloon is about 7 1/4" ( 18.415 cm. ) tall.
Selvedge to selvedge: 57 1/2"
This is: linen/cotton
Please Note: the lightest color is light oatmeal.
This fabric feels: textured
This fabric has: been woven with a slub
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = 36", the vertical = 30 3/8"
Balloon sky fabric novelty handprint linen whimsical
A balloon fabric. A whimsical balloon sky fabric. This is a handprint.
A flotilla of colorful balloons floats across sky filled with clouds. The balloon strings add to the whimsey.
The lightest color is pale oatmeal; colors are dark brick, orange, deep orange, muted strawberry, deep brown purple, mulberry, yellow-green, muted apple, mid-grey blue and sky on a tonal background of golden tan and oatmeal. Colors have been over-printed, giving tonal variations. The effect from a distance is of balloons in shades of orange, strawberry, mulberry, green, and sky blue on a golden tan background with puffy white clouds.
This fabric is 57" wide. The largest balloon is about 7 1/4" ( 18.415 cm. ) tall. This is a mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has been woven with a slub. It has a tight weave. It has a matte, dry look and feels textured. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, etc.
This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.