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Fall nature fabric blue flowers leaves butterfly bugs

Fall nature fabric blue flowers leaves butterfly bugs click image to enlarge
    Regular Price: $48.00

    Price: $48.00

    6 available for immediate delivery

    6 available for immediate delivery

    Sold by: 45" increments

    6 available for immediate delivery

    Availability: If the amount showing is not enough, please email for availability.

    Sold by: 45" increments

    Scale of item: The tall raceme of flowers is about 10 3/4" ( 27.305 cm. ) , from the stem to the top of the raceme, measuring along the fabric.

    Selvedge to selvedge: 56.00

    This is: 100% cotton

    This fabric has: a very heavy basket weave

    Pattern Repeat: the vertical = 26 1/2"

    Fall nature fabric blue flowers leaves butterfly bugs
    A fall nature fabric. A fall fabric with blue leaves, flowers, butterflies, and other bugs. This is amazing!

    This has the look of leaves and meadow flowers after the first frost. While some of the leaves are intact, others are transparent, with only the veins left. Flowers are stilll in bloom, and are being visited by butterflies, ladybugs, bees, and beetles.  

    Colors are light blue and muted copen blue with very pale yellow, cocoa brown, taupe, and charcoal on buttercream. Colors are tonal and there has been over-printing so several shades are seen. 

    This fabric is 56" wide. The tall raceme of flowers is about 10 3/4" ( 27.305 cm. ) ,  from the stem to the top of the raceme,  measuring along the fabric. This is a mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has been woven with a very heavy basket weave. It is perfect for curtains, cushions,  etc. 

    This is for a 36" cut.  

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