Blue floral fabric upholstery Clarence House Middleton lampas

Price: $25.00
5 available for immediate delivery5 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )5 available for immediate delivery
Availability: What is listed is all there is of this.
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The medalions are about 11" ( 27.94 cm. ) tall, measuring to the outside of the spikey border.
Selvedge to selvedge: 54"
This is: cotton/viscose
This fabric is: a woven upholstery weight fabric
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = just under 14", the vertical = 22"
Blue floral fabric upholstery Clarence House Middleton lampas
A blue floral fabric. An upholstery fabric done in blue and green. This is pretty!
Stylized flowers or trees forms are enclosed in a medallion with a spiky border that echoes them. A wandering trellis with similar flowers frames them. Other spikey leave forms fill the spaces.
The pattern is done in threads with shine. It is done in Copen blue, light spring green, brown, and cream on beige. From a distance one sees white floral forms with green accents, on clear blue, with brown, on a matte beige background. Depending on the light the background can appear darker, or more tan or grey.
This fabric is 54" wide. The medalions are about 11" ( 27.94 cm. ) tall, measuring to the outside of the spikey border. This is an upholstery weight fabric. The weaves of the pattern run horizontally across the fabric. They feel smooth, like a satin. The background has a tight weave that is more dry to the touch. This is perfect for curtain panels, upholstery, etc.
This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.