Vintage Clarence House Fabric floral poppy tulip dahlia blue

Price: $18.00
1 available for immediate delivery1 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: 2 yard piece.1 available for immediate delivery
Availability: What is listed is all there is.
Sold by: 2 yard piece.
Scale of item: The large reddish flower is about 8" ( 20.32 cm. ) across.
Selvedge to selvedge: 56"
This is: 100% cotton.
Please Note: there is a 3" end of bolt fold line on one end.
This fabric is: thin, floaty,
Vintage Clarence House Fabric floral poppy tulip dahlia blue
A /vintageClarence House fabric with tulips, poppies, peonies, and the surprise of dahlias! Marked MCMXCVII ( 1997 ). This is a Kazumi pattern, printed by Ratti in Switzerland. This has exquisite printing, and is one of the most unique fabrics we have had. The muted colors and the way this has been printed give this a soft dreamy look.
PLEASE NOTE: there is a 3" end of bolt fold line on one end.
A variety of late spring tulips and peonies are blooming with early summer poppies and summer dahlias in happy disarray! The spikey leaves of the poppies fill the spaces between the flowers.
The colors are many: muted charcoal, muted plum, soft dusty lilac, tones of mineral blue, gold, yellow, soft muted raspberry, pinky salmon, dusty pale pink, light yellow green, soft olive, pale ice green, muted pinky brown, golden brown, soft brown orange, and the background is a soft pale blue with a green undertone. There has been much over-printing so many colors are seen. The effect from a distance is of light and dark tones of pinky red, brownish orange, mineral blue, and purple with soft brown and green and hightlights of deeper brown, green, beige, and cream on pale dusty blue.
This fabric is 56" wide. The large reddish flower is about 8" ( 20.32 cm. ) across. This is very thin cotton. It is very floaty and drapey. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, clothing, etc.
This is for a 2 yard piece.