Clarence House Fabric embroidered silk taffeta purple flower aqua plaid Tropo

Price: $25.00
32 available for immediate delivery32 available for immediate delivery
32 available for immediate deliveryAvailability: What is listed is all there is of this.
Scale of item: The blossoms are about 1 1/4" ( 3.175 cm. ) across.
Selvedge to selvedge: 55 3/4"
This is: linen/viscose/rayon
This fabric feels: matte, dry
This fabric has: been woven with a slub
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = 17 1/2", the vertical = 15 1/2"
Clarence House Fabric embroidered silk taffeta purple flower aqua plaid Tropo
A Clarence House Fabric, this is a silk taffeta with embroidered purple flowers. This has a been done on an aqua colored mini plaid background.
Violet blossoms with yellow green leaves have been tossed across a mini plaid background of aqua tones. This is woven of cream and white, with soft muted aqua green and a deeper blue green tone. The effect is of a spa tone. Depending on the light this can look soft blue or soft green. The flowers have sheen, and stand out from the matte background.
This fabric is 55 3/4" wide. The blossoms are about 1 1/4" ( 3.175 cm. ) across. This is a light weight home decorating fabric. It has been woven with a slub. It has a matte, dry look and feel. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, clothing, duvets, etc.
This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.