Burlap daisy fabric barn wedding Clarence House linen Marisol

Price: $25.00
13 available for immediate delivery13 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )13 available for immediate delivery
Availability: What is listed is all there is of this.
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The daisies, measured to the outside of the polka dots around the edge, are about 7 1/2" ( 19.05 cm. ) tall.
Selvedge to selvedge: 54"
This is: 100% linen
Please Note: the petals are not white, they are light beige
This fabric has: been woven with a slub
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = 9", the vertical = 18"
Burlap daisy fabric barn wedding Clarence House linen Marisol
A burlap colored daisy fabric- perfect for a barn wedding! A Clarence House print that has a field full of daisies and polka dots.
PLEASE NOTE: the daisy petals are light beige, not white.
The colors used are light beige, golden yellow, pinky-beige, and dark brown on a greyed burlap toned background.
This fabric is 54" wide. The daisies, measured to the outside of the polka dots around the edge, are about 7 1/2" ( 19.05 cm. ) tall. This is a light mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has been woven with a slub. It is quite drapey. It has a matte, dry look. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, duvets, clothing, etc.
This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.