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French ribbon striped fabric ombred pink

French ribbon striped fabric ombred pink click image to enlarge
    Regular Price: $33.00

    Price: $33.00

    10 available for immediate delivery

    10 available for immediate delivery

    Sold by: the yard ( 36" )

    10 available for immediate delivery

    Availability: What is listed is all there is of this.

    Sold by: the yard ( 36" )

    Scale of item: The ombred stripes are 5/8", or just over 1/2" ( 1.27 cm. ) wide.

    Selvedge to selvedge: 55 1/2"

    This is: 100% cotton

    This fabric feels: smooth

    Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = just under 1"

    French ribbon striped fabric ombred pink

    This French ribbon striped fabric has ombred stripes of pink.

    This woven ribbon stripe fabric has ombred lines which run from deep pinky red, deep rose, pink, to beige and back again. They are centered with a thin red stripe on parchment. The ombred lines are slightly raised from the background. They have sheen, accented by a satin weave. The effect is of deep red and pink on cream.

    This fabric is 55 1/2" wide. The ombred stripes are 5/8", or just over 1/2" ( 1.27 cm. ) wide. This is a light mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has a tight weave, and a smooth hand. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, bedding, clothing.

    This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.
