Yellow salmon orange floral fabric gold metallic floral

Price: $29.00
26 available for immediate delivery26 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )26 available for immediate delivery
Availability: If the amount showing is not enough, please write for availability.
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The large flower with the floral stamen is about 9 1/2" ( 24.13 cm. ) across.
Selvedge to selvedge: 58 1/2"
This is: cotton
Please Note: this has metallic gold accents
This fabric feels: smooth
Pattern Repeat: the vertical = 27 1/2", the vertical = 25 3/8"
Yellow salmon orange floral fabric gold metallic floral
A yellow, salmon, orange floral fabric. An Indienne fabric with gold metallic details. A Tree of Life fabric with the most unusual coloring! A bold and beautiful rendition! this has the surprise of gold metallic details.
A traditional Indienne pattern has been enlivened with color. The stylized flowers and leaves are done in salmon with muted violet cherry and cream. The background is pale buff yellow with deeper gold. Metallic gold is used for some details. The metallic is not intrusive. Unless one looks hard it does not show up. But, it gives deep yellow or golden touches to the design. The effect from a distance is of salmon and cream with a reddish tone on a tonal yellow background. Depending on the light the background can appear more yellow or more gold.
This fabric is 58 1/2" wide. The large flower with the floral stamen is about 9 1/2" ( 24.13 cm. ) across. This is a mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has a twill weave, and has nice drape and a smooth hand. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, duvets, etc.
This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.