White lace curtain fabric polar bear lace

Price: $60.00
30 available for immediate delivery30 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard (36" ).30 available for immediate delivery
Availability: This fabric is no longer being produced; please make certain you buy enough for your project.
Sold by: the yard (36" ).
Scale of item: The iceberg on which the polar bears are hugging is about 7 3/4" ( 19.685 cm. ) long. The polar bear that is standing is about 5 1/2" ( 13.97 cm. ) from the top of his head to the bottom of the snow mound.
Selvedge to selvedge: 68 3/4".
This is: 100 % cotton.
White lace curtain fabric polar bear lace
A white cotton lace curtain fabric with the surprise of polar bears.
Polar bears hug on an iceberg! They stand on a mound of snow as fish jump! And here and there are igloos! This is a unique lace pattern!
This lace fabric is a creamy white.
This fabric is 68.3/4" wide. The iceberg on which the polar bears are hugging is about 7 3/4" ( 19.685 cm. ) long. The polar bear that is standing is about 5 1/2" ( 13.97 cm. ) from the top of his head to the bottom of the snow mound. This is madras curtain lace fabric. The edges of the lace have been folded over and serged, forming a 1/4" hem.
This is for a 36" cut.
CARE: Hand wash using mild detergent in luke warm water. Do not use bleach or other brighteners. Rinse carefully, squeezing gently in luke warm water. Pull fabric sidewasy and lengthways while still damp, iron on cotton setting. Do NOT tumble or spin dry.
The lace may be dry cleaned, but only by firms who are experienced in dealing with fine fabrics.