Library fabric red leather books trompe l'oeil

Price: $43.00
6 available for immediate delivery6 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )6 available for immediate delivery
Availability: If the amount showing is not enough, please email for availability.
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The tallest shelf is about 8 1/4"( 20.955 cm. ) tall, measuring the inside of it.
Selvedge to selvedge: 56 3/4"
This is: 100% cotton
This fabric feels: matt, dry
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = 27", the vertical = 17 1/4"
Library fabric red leather books trompe l'oeil
A library fabric with many red leather books. A trompe l'oeil fabric of library shelves filled with books.
Books, books, books! An unfinished wooden book case is filled with books. The shelving is realistic down to wooden knots and the notches for adjusting the shelves. It seems to have either shelving paper or the shelves have been painted. The books are leather bound, and while the bindings are detailed with embossed designs, there aren't any titles on their spines.
Colors are muted and tonal. Tones of black, grey, brown, red, orange, gold, green, and blue are seen with yellow, pink, and beige. The effect is vintage.
This fabric is 56 3/4" wide. The tallest shelf is about 8 1/4"( 20.955 cm. ) tall, measuring the inside of it. This is a mid-weight home decorating fabric. It has a matt, dry look and feel. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, etc.
This is for a 36" cut.