Nottingham lace curtain fabric iris daffodil deep creme

Price: $75.00
62 available for immediate delivery62 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )62 available for immediate delivery
Availability: This is all there is of this fabric
Sold by: the yard ( 36" )
Scale of item: The borders that can be removed are about 3 1/4" wide. The flowers are about 7" ( 17.78 cm. ) tall.
Selvedge to selvedge: 62"
This is: 100% cotton
Please Note: this is net lace
Pattern Repeat: the horizontal = 8", the vertical = just under 20"
Nottingham lace curtain fabric iris daffodil deep creme
This is a Nottingham lace curtain fabric with a pattern of iris and daffodils. This is lovely! The color is deep creme.
Iris and narcissus bloom on this lace curtain fabric. The edges are finished with a small decorative border and then a larger double border of stylized tulips. The outer border has been woven to be remove if wished, to finish the cut edges if one wants to make a table cloth.
This fabric, including both borders, is 62" wide. The borders that can be removed are about 3 1/4" wide. The flowers are about 7" ( 17.78 cm. ) tall. This is net lace.
This is for a yard ( 36" ) cut.
CARE: Hand wash with a mild detergent in lukewarm water. Do not use a brightening agent. Rinse carefully, squeezing gently.
Do not tumble or spin dry.
Pull fabric firmly, sideways and lengthways, whilst damp. Iron on a cool setting.
This lace may be dry cleaned, but only by firms who are experienced in cleaning lace.