Peacock fabric green damask upholstery

Price: $23.00
12 available for immediate delivery12 available for immediate delivery
Sold by: 28" increments... please read the listing for the details.12 available for immediate delivery
Availability: This is the last there is of this, there is no re-order.
Sold by: 28" increments... please read the listing for the details.
Scale of item: The central motif is about 31 1/2" ( 80.01 cm. ) tall. The two peacocks together, measure about 18" ( 45.720 cm. ) across and about 11 1/2" ( 29.21 cm. ) tall, measuring along the fabric.
Selvedge to selvedge: 57 1/4"
This is: cotton/polyester
Peacock fabric green damask upholstery
A peacock fabric. A green peacock fabric with a classic damask pattern. This woven upholstery fabric has a dramatic large pattern.
A classic damask pattern with scrolling acanthus leaves and flowers has the added attraction of peacocks!
This is woven of muted yellow green and beige. It has slubs, so the colors are slightly tonal. The beige areas of the pattern also have some of the green threads woven through, giving interest to the pattern.
This fabric is 57 1/4" wide. The central motif is about 31 1/2" ( 80.01 cm. ) tall. The two peacocks together, measure about 18" ( 45.720 cm. ) across and about 11 1/2" ( 29.21 cm. ) tall, measuring along the fabric. This is a woven upholstery weight fabric. It has drape. It is perfect for curtains, cushions, upholstery, clothing, etc.
This is for a 28" cut, which gives two of the acanthus motifs next to each other, with the peacocks in the center. The peacocks are slightly lower than the acanthus motifs- there will be about 3 1/4" of fabric below them.